Monday, July 29, 2013

Historial Building

Square Tower
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Built in 1879 as a detention camp for prisoners, the Square Tower was later converted into a fortress and then a dance hall. Today it is a multimedia information centre and video theatre providing information on Sarawak's tourist attractions. 

Round Tower
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Constructed in 1886, the reason for the building of the Round Tower remains a mystery. Because of its structure, it is claimed the building was meant to serve as a fort in an emergency. Instead it became the Dispensary and was then used by the Labour Department until 1980. It now houses a section of the Judicary department. In earlier days, the Round Tower was strategically located to provide an excellent view of the town.

The Pavilion
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Next to the Round Tower is The Pavilion, which was built in 1909. Regarded as something of an architectural enigma, its design is reminiscent of buildings in the southern states of America - a mixture of late English renaissancce and colonial architecture. It served as a General Hospital until 1947. It is currently undergoing renovation to be turned into a textile museum.

The Astana
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The Astana which lies in regal splendour accross the river, is a majestic building with romantic history. The second Rajah, Charles Brooke, built this palace in 1870 as a bridal gift for his wife, the Ranee Margaret. Then known as the Government House, it is actually three separate buildings fused into one, with each connected to the other by short and narrow passageways. First occupied by Charles Brooke in 1870, it was the private residence of the second Rajah. It has undergone substantial alterations and renovations and is today the official residence of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri, the Governor of Sarawak.

Fort Margherita
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Completed in 1879, Fort Margherita commands a breathtaking and strategic position along the Sarawak River, with a location chosen to overlook the long stretch of river approaching Kuching. Named after the second Rajah, Charles Brooke's wife, the Ranee Margaret, it was built in the defensive edifice/castle style of the late English renaissance. Fort Margherita has been converted into a Police Museum and many of its old cannons, cannon balls, guns, pistols, swords and other vestiges of its artillery can still be seen. The armoury still exists as does the condemned prisoner's cell. The Police Museum has a display of old police weapons, reconstructed opium dens and scenes of hanging and other forms of criminal punishment.

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